My poor blog has been neglected for a while but with the house renovations I have been too busy to write anything. My mother has come to OZ and is staying with us till Feb which has been a wonderful Christmas gift for me. She has been a tremendous help with Luke while we are off to the house to get it all done before we move in on the 10th of Jan. We had a wonderful first Christmas together as a family and I was glad my mom was here to share this special time with us. We all went to my mother in law's house for Christmas and Luke just got so excited by all the wrapped boxes which he found out later on the day that inside the boxes there were toys too. We had a wonderful Christmas lunch and after that unwrapped all the gifts, it really was a special day. So tonight we are going to go to friends house for the passing of the New Year and enjoy our selves a bit before the big move. Slowly we are already packing and I am having a chance to get rid of some clutter on the way. Also I am going through all my wardrobes and giving away all the clothes that don't fit me anymore, which I have been clinging to with the hope that some day I will fit them again. I guess I need to be realistic and just give them to someone who can actually wear them instead of them just sitting in the closets year after year. So my new year resolutions are:
1) Get rid of clutter
2) Not buying things I don't need
3) Stop smoking again
4)Get more active and exercise
5) Eat healthy
I wish all of you a wonderful New Year and that all of you can reach your New Year resolutions! Enjoy a great Christams song!
Hi Everyone,
Little Wooden Shoe has a NEW HOME at WORDPRESS. Follow the link to Little
Wooden Shoe's new location:
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