I am so sorry for my very long silence but I have great news for those who don't already know. Luke Gabriel was born on the 3rd of February at 10:16 pm at the Birth Center. I had a natural labour and it was about 7 hours. For the most part of it I stayed at home and around 6:30 pm Rob took me to the Birthing Center, were I stayed in the hot tube till minutes before pushing my little angel to the world. I had only one shot of morphine for pain relief which was enough for me, I was very lucky; my labour was very fast and I could handle the pain well. Rob took two weeks off from work and they gave him one week paternal leave. It was great, cause I really needed the help in the first month. Now Luke and I are trying to get into a routine. He suffered from colic and also my milk supply is low so at the moment we are working to get my supply up. I never thought one would have this problem, I just thought milk would come poring out, like non-stop! For the rest we are all doing really well, the weather is starting to cool down which for me is a relief. Also I am already planning my holidays in Holland for June cause my brother is getting married. So very busy, as all of you can see, I hope I will be able to update the blog more frequently I will try my best to at least do one post a month. I have done a video of Luke Gabriel, I hope you all enjoy. It's a funny one, he is doing his business and he makes some funny faces, well enjoy. Hugs to all of you!
Congratulations Alex!!! I had been peeking at your pictures in the album you have posted and saw you had your little boy. I am so happy for you. He is such a handsome cutie! Congratulations, and looking forward to those monthly updates!
Hi Everyone,
Little Wooden Shoe has a NEW HOME at WORDPRESS. Follow the link to Little
Wooden Shoe's new location:
Congratulations Alex!!! I had been peeking at your pictures in the album you have posted and saw you had your little boy. I am so happy for you.
He is such a handsome cutie! Congratulations, and looking forward to those monthly updates!
Hooray! Luke is beautiful.
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