Our religious wedding was just beautiful and wonderful. Everyone we invited came to the wedding and even people who were not living in Holland. Uta, Lance and the kids came from France. Erica, the girls and Adam came from the US. Also Claire and Owen came from Irland to see us and I was very pleased because I haven't seen here since Washington. It was truly a wonderful day but a little sad because it was also a kind of farewell. Rob and I missed his mother and father who were not able to attend because it was too short notice for them to come from Australia. But we know in our hearts they were there with us in spirit. I will post the pictures when the photographer send us the pictures. I will post some pictures we managed to take on the day but the really nice ones you all have to wait. On the Monday we left in the morning to Luxenbourg. Rob had to go there for work so I thought it would be nice to join him and explore Luxembourg. We arrived there at 14:00pm, Rob went to work and I went to the city center. All shops were closed so I decided to explore the old part of town. It is truly a beautiful city and the old part is medieval which makes you wonder how many battles were won and lost. There was only one museum open, The Museum of Modern Art. It was great because they had an expo on Emily Bates photographs (Love Scenes). It was great to be able to see her photos. After I went to have some lunch in a very nice little pastry cafe, I had a wonderful grilled veggie salad and a really really yummy strawberry pie. I kept strolling at the old part of town till I met Rob in town for dinner after his work. We went to a nice restaurant and had German food. Rob had veal Schnitzel and I had Sauerkraut with very nice sausages from Luxembourg. The next day after Rob went to work I went to the city again. this time the shops and all the museums were open. I went to the City museum which is mainly the history of Luxembourg. It was a very beautiful building and I had no idea Luxembourg had so much history. When I was done I went to have another coffee with some strawberry pie which were really lovely. I did some shopping (I bought a kilo of sausages from Luxembourg haha) and before I knew it I had to meet Rob for dinner and than leave back to Holland. It was a very nice short trip. Rob and I are leaving to our honeymoon in Brasil on the 7th of June. So I will not be updating the blog next month only in July with the Brazil trip. Well everyone enjoy the slide show of the wedding and of Luxembourg.
Alice organised a great Hen's night for me. I was truly surprised because I had no idea what we were going to do, the only thing I knew was that we where going out for dinner. We all had a nice dinner at The Concierge and we also cracked a bubbly to mark the event. Alice, Kim, Viviane, Maya, Jessica, Mike and Rodrigo were all invited to have a good time at the hen's night. I know you are not suppose to bring boys on the Hen's night but Rodrigo and Mike are my friends for so long that to go party with out them just didn't seem right. So after dinner, Alice took everyone to the surprise which everyone knew but I had no clue what to expect. When we got there I couldn't believe it, she got for me to the Karaoke bus!! I just loved it....a Karaoke on wheels. So we all took our place in the bus, opened a couple of beers and started singing. First we sang Dutch songs than we switched to English songs. After an hour we stopped and I thought the ride was over but before I could figure what was going on, a man in a strange mask and a cape came in the bus. Yes girls, it was a male stripper!! I never laughed and had so much fun, it was the most strange 15 minutes of my life! I have added the video to the blog but please be aware that there is some indecent contents. You can't see his front bits but you can see his bum so parents please be sure the minors are not watching this with you. After the stripper was done we just enjoyed the ride in the bus singing Frank Sinatra and Madonna. When the ride was over we took some more pictures and headed to the Karaoke bar, yes we did a lot of singing that night. We stayed there and than moved again to a gay bar to have more drinks. This bar is a small bar with very nice owner who was just so happy for me that he kept filling my drinks and all the guy men were having fun with us for the happy occasion. So by the time we left the gay bar I was already very tipsy hahahaha. We moved on to a normal bar to have just a couple more drinks and dance a little. We left the bar scene at 04:30 in the morning I could barely walk and we were all laughing so much with all the pictures and the events of the day. I got home had a shower cause all these bars in Holland everyone just smokes like a chimney and there is not very good ventilation so you smell like cigarettes and sweat. Got into bed and cuddled with Rob. The next morning I had such a bad hangover that I slept till 18:00 hahahah...it was worth it though! Enjoy the video and slide show.
I haven't felt like a tourist in Holland for a long time but I certainly feel like one now. I guess its because I am leaving soon for good that I am more keen to go see all the touristic sights that I haven't seen before while living here. Two weeks ago I went to visit Kim, Keith and Isobel again. It was real fun, Kim took me to see the Zanstreek. Apparently there used to be over a thousand industrial windmills in that area. I never new that Zandaam was a big part of the Dutch history. Its a beautiful area that any tourist should go see if coming to Holland for the holidays. Zandaam is not far from Amsterdam (15minutes by train) so if your holiday includes staying in Amsterdam be sure not to miss it! I thought the windmills were great but what I really enjoyed was the clog shop. I never saw how they make clogs so it was interesting to see how they are made. Kim and I had some dutch pancakes which where yummy and then when we were in the cheese shop when Isobel became the main touristic attraction to the Japanese tourists. Really it felt like we were in the red carpet and we had all these camera's flashing at us. Isobel was an instant hit with the Japanese tourists they even posed by her buggy to take pictures, and they kept saying Dutch baby, Dutch baby!!! Kim and I laughed so hard, really. But Isobel did look cute with her pink hat and the sweater that I made for her. So here are the pictures, enjoy the Dutch scenery.
Today here in Holland is Queens Day, its a celebration of the Queens birthday. Yesterday night was Queens Night, which was fun but because of all the holidays at the same time, everyone just left for vacation so the city was not as crowded as usual. We spent most of the night in Okers which is a nice restaurant/bar. We met with Rob's colleagues there and stayed most of the night there having fun. Around 12:30 am Rob and I left and headed home, on our way we passed by the fairgrounds which was nice and busy with everyone going on rides or trying to win prizes. Close to our apartment it was crowded around all the bars and it took us 1 hour to get through everyone to get home. Today we are just staying home and relaxing from Queens night. Enjoy the slide show.
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